Jon Aguilar
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About the artist
"In his twenties, Jon Aguilar served in the U.S. Marine Corps; attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; learned Spanish, Hebrew and Serbian; and lived or traveled in 20 countries. It was in Israel and Egypt where he first experienced the wonder and awe of monumental dry stone works at Jerusalem’s Old City and the Pyramids of Giza outside of Cairo.
In his thirties, he completed a Bachelors in Political Science at UC-Boulder, started a small landscape construction business and discovered the world of drystone in Seattle, Washington.
In his forties he focused solely on designing and building drystone features after experiencing the complexities, challenges, and immense satisfaction that characterize this ancient method.
Now in his fifties, his new vision is to design and build a series of modern drystone megaliths and immersive stone experiences in Texas."
In 2017, Jon created the Modern Stonecraft™ method - an innovation that combines the ancient drystone building method, machine-based stereotomy and lifting technology to meet the demands of modern design.
Much of contemporary building is about dimensional and rectilinear shapes on a 2D plane or in 3D space. Hence, the propensity for architects and designers to use concrete to form these designs into being. Today, however, these themes can be designed and built using natural stone and the Modern Stonecraft™ method.